Lessons, tips, and experiences from venturing through the realms of technology and software.

Monday, August 3, 2009

C++ Console Progress Bar

Given the percentage complete, the following piece of code can print a text progress bar for a console application along with an animatedly "spinning" slash to show that the program is still running.

// this function prints progress bar
// pre: percentage complete
// post: progress bar
void progressbar(int percent)
static stringstream bars;
static int x = 0;
string slash[4];
slash[0] = "\\";
slash[1] = "-";
slash[2] = "/";
slash[3] = "|";
bars << "|";
cout << "\r"; // carriage return back to beginning of line
cout << bars.str() << " " << slash[x] << " " << percent << " %"; // print the bars and percentage
x++; // increment to make the slash appear to rotate
if(x == 4)
x = 0; // reset slash animation

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i cant get it work. please help.
here is my code:

#include "progress.h"

int main()
return 0;


using namespace std;

void progressbar(int percent)
static stringstream bars;
static int x = 0;
string slash[4];
slash[0] = "\\";
slash[1] = "-";
slash[2] = "/";
slash[3] = "|";
bars << "|";
cout << "\r"; // carriage return back to beginning of line
cout << bars.str() << " " << slash[x] << " " << percent << " %"; // print the bars and percentage
x++; // increment to make the slash appear to rotate
if(x == 4)
x = 0; // reset slash animation

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